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Lecturer & Class introduction

Teacher  Shinichiro Yamamoto Saturday, May 1st, 11: 00 ~

The Voice Course (50 minutes)

I will also teach at the Choir Workshop


Shinichiro Yamamoto

Shinichiro Yamamoto 

Graduated from the Faculty of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University

After making his debut as a gospel pianist in 1996, he gained a lot of experience as a director, singer and pianist, and founded "Gospel Ministry SCA" in 2003. Since then, based in Kansai, he has been involved in singing instruction and performance activities all over the country, as well as planning and managing concerts, various seminars, language classes, etc., as well as general sound work. From 2020, we will make a full-scale entry into the online business and disseminate attractive seminars, lessons and other content to the world. I am walking every day with a vision to deliver GOSPEL to the world. Father of 4 children.


Gospel Ministry SCA Official Website

Teacher   Adachi Gaku May 1st (Saturday) 16: 30 ~

Conducting class static and dynamic (50 minutes )

​Class contents

Learn about the basic movements of the conductor! Quiet and dynamic, rest and vocalization, the meaning of standing in front, etc.! After class, you can consult with us about your concerns at any time during the workshop.

Reference sound source My soul doth magnify The Lord


Lecturer Kaori Mukahi

May 1st (Saturday) 17: 30-

New church music (50 minutes)

        May 2nd (Sun) 10: 00 ~

Basic vocal class


Lecturer Butch Heyward (Choir Workshop)

       If you cannot come to Japan due to corona measures

Instructed by Harlem JP Choir members

Choir Workshop


Adachi Manabu

Manabu Adachi 

Gospel Choir Director. Gospel singer. Pastor Wings Gospel House (Mie, Osaka). Representative of Gospel Family Network. Formed WINGS Gospel Choir in 1999. As a director, he teaches choir and gives concerts at churches, live houses, and local events. It is a guru who started a black gospel music workshop in Japan in 1 996 years, participated in the Kansai gospel workshop Lanny lacquer Mr. organized. Since then, he has supported the annual Kansai Gospel Workshop. In 2002, he and his wife, Kyoko Adachi, set up the church "Wings Gospel House" to convey the gospel and love of Jesus Christ through the guidance of gospel in various places such as Osaka, Hyogo, and Mie.

Kaori Mukahi

Kaori Mukahi 

Born in 1964 in Ochiai Town, Maniwa District, Okayama Prefecture (currently Ochiai Town, Maniwa City). Majored in vocal music at Osaka Kyoiku University special music course. Completed the advanced course of the school. In 2001, the 1st album "PRESENCE" was released. In 2004, he released a collaboration album "In You" with Jeff Nelson. Received the 2004 Gospel / CCM Grand Prize Artist Award and Album Silver Award. In 2009, the Korean album "Immanuel" was released.

Butch Heyward Born in New York. 
Lyricist / composer, organist, quier director. Called Legend in the gospel home of America, he has composed more than 1500 songs so far. Hezekiah Walker. James Hall is a gospel artist who has been widely admired throughout the United States, providing songs to many gospel singers and appearing in the musical "Mama, I want to sing!". He started organizing at the age of 8 and composing at the age of 15. His music soothes, encourages, and heals the hearts of the listeners, like the sunshine that illuminates the darkness of the heart, and the stream that flushes away sorrow and suffering. He has been preaching music in Japan for over 20 years, and his warm character is loved by many fans.

Butch Heyward at Perfecting Zion --YouTube

Teacher  Hiroko Kanematsu Sunday, May 2nd 9: 00 ~

Solo vocal class (50 minutes)

May 2nd (Sunday) 11: 00 ~

Lead vocal class (50 minutes)

I will also teach at the Choir Workshop



Hiroko Kanematsu

Hiroko Kanematsu

After graduating from high school, studied abroad at Millar College of the Bible in Canada. While still in school, she sang as a member of Mask Choir and Chorale and as a soloist at churches and conventions in the United States and Canada. At the same time, he was greatly influenced by black gospel and learned how to sing by himself. After graduating, while working on backing choruses, interpreters, and translators for foreign gospel artists, he himself will expand his activities as a gospel singer to churches and concert halls all over the country. Established "Japanese Continentals" (Choir) in 1989. Participated in a national tour and two albums as a choir coordinator, pianist and singer. His soulful singing ability, which is far from the Japanese, is highly evaluated both at home and abroad. Since 1992, he has moved to the Tokai region and has continued his live activities. Since 1999, he has been teaching gospel choirs in Nagoya, Toyota, Minokamo, Tsu, and Toyohashi as a music director. In May 2001, he released his solo album "Praise The Lord". In May 2003, he performed a chapel concert tour in Germany, and in August of the same year, he performed live with 22 quier members (VOVs) who teach in Nagoya at the Black Church in Alabama and Florida in the United States. In February 2005, he performed a solo concert at a black church in Alabama, and his ability is recognized not only in Japan but also in the home of gospel music. In July 2006, he co-starred with Yuka Kamebuchi, who is also known for teaching many famous artists at the NAGOYA Groovin Summer sponsored by the Nagoya City Cultural Promotion Agency, and was praised by Mr. Kamebuchi for his singing ability and choir leadership. NS. After that, he will give guidance to citizen choirs every year until 2010. Since April 2008, he has been preaching the gospel through gospel as a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Music, Nagoya University of the Arts.

Teacher  Megumi Awano

In charge of Choir Workshop





​ Megumi Awano

Megumi Awano

After many musical careers, he went to the United States in search of gospel. Participated in live performances and recordings as a choir member of the West Angeles Church Of God In Christ. Become a Christian. After returning to Japan, he worked as a gospel singer and choir director. He teaches gospel choirs all over Japan. Released a number of CDs as "Meg & Piano Koji" with her husband and music director, Piano Koji. Has produced numerous praises. He is also one of the representatives of the "Japan Gos-pel Choirs Fellowship" work for the growth of gospel choirs and the "Stand Women's Ministry" work for women. In addition, he also actively works as a kids choir, and is also involved in songwriting. Graduated from Horizon Bible College in 2005.

Teacher  Yasuko Mitsuhashi & Minako Sato

         May 2nd (Sunday) 12: 00 ~

Rhythm & moving class (50 minutes)

I will also teach at the Choir Workshop


@Vocal(初級)  歌う際の呼吸、声のでる仕組みなど、基礎から、一緒に学びましょう! 今までなんとなく歌ってきた人も、 声のでる仕組みを知るだけで、 随分と整理され、声の出し方が変わります。  オンラインでも分かりやすく、 楽しく、進めます。  自分の声が苦手な人も、  ぜひ参加してみてくださいね。  

 リズム&動き  同じようにステップしている筈なのに  何かが違う、、  クラップがズレてしまう、、  歌に集中できない、、  歌いながら、リズムを取るのは、  意外と難しいですよね!    そんな、ゴスペルあるあるを  一緒に学ぶ時間です。  その他、私たちがステージに立つ上で、  大切にしている事もシェアしていきます。  ぜひ参加してみてくださいね。


Minako Sato

Sato Minako

Since 1992, he has traveled all over Japan as a member of "Japanese Continentals". Participated in the 4th album "Reachin'Out! / Get A Life". In 1996, he participated in "Continentals" in the United States.
Performed in Jamaica, USA for 3 months.
After that, he was a lecturer at "Gospel Studio Oasis" in Tokyo.
In June 2001, "Heavenly Wind Ministries" was established.

講師   市岡 裕子 特別クラス講師


英語で歌が上手くなるヒント (50分)



市岡 裕子(いちおか ゆうこ)
2003年、NHK”にんげんドキュメント”でリサイタルに至るまでの親娘の絆が紹介される。同年、父娘共著の足跡を記した自叙伝『泣いた分だけ笑わしたる!』(マガジンハウス)を出版。同年ニューヨークより兵庫県尼崎市に拠点を戻す。2008年より「市岡裕子インターナショナルミニストリー」を立ち上げ、タイのHIV孤児達の支援、チャリティーコンサートを行っている。医療少年院、児童養護施設、刑務所などの慰問も行う2012年6月チェンマイの孤児達支援の為、ゴスペルCD “Amazing Grace”を発売
2019年6月 2ndゴスペルCD “愛があなたを待っている~Love Is Waiting For You” をリリース



伝わる英語でゴスペルを歌おう! 日本人だから分かる英語の苦手さを理解した英語発音矯正レッスン。 ゴスペルを歌うのは大好きだけど、英語の発音に自信がない…。何をどうすれば発音が上手くなるの?今更誰にも聞けないし…。そう思っているあなたに最適なレッスンです。 口の開け方、舌の位置で、英語の発音は随分上達します。 皆様ご存知のゴスペル曲を使って、ワンランク上の自分にチャレンジしましょう!

講師   佐藤 ゆかり





◉Vocalテクニック① ビブラート、しゃくり・ホールを効果的に使おう!

◉Vocalテクニック② フェイクにチャレンジ!より華やかで力強い歌唱へ


Kyoko Adachi   KYOKO ADACHI  


Born in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. Representative of Gospel Family Network. In 2002, he launched "Wings Gospel House" with his husband, Adachi Gaku, and started evangelism. Gospel lessons, concerts, facility visits, etc. are held in various parts of the Kansai region. Staff of the ministry "Kansai Women's Ministry" for women.

Teacher  Kaori Mukahi & Kumiko Hisano

  Lecture Megumi Awano / Kyoka Adachi

     May 3rd & 4th 9: 30-11: 00

Women's class (90 minutes)

A class where only women can enjoy harmony

I will also talk about the Bible

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​Kumiko Hisano   KUMIKO HISANO 

Graduated from Kansai Gakuin University. Since 2001, he has been active as a gospel singer, choir director, and pianist. Taught mask wire at J-House Gospel Academy until 2010. After studying at the National Gospel Workshop and the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church in New York, he is a freelance singer or leader who conveys the love of God. Mother of one child. Representative of Sarang Gospel Ministry. Major activity history A wide range of performance activities in churches, live houses, commercial facilities, homes for the elderly, etc. In addition, we will strive to contribute to society by praying and interacting with women, working at Stand Womens Ministry Osaka, workshops to support child-rearing, and creating a healing community with gospel music.


東京ホライズンチャペル 音楽伝道師 ゴスペルを通してイエス・キリストと出会い洗礼を受ける。ゴスペルクワイアのディレクターとしてシンガーとしてキリストの愛と喜びを伝えている。 ボイストレーナー、ボーカルコーチとしても東京都内の音楽スクールを中心に音楽を通して人生をサポートする働きをしている。 また若者の育成にも力を入れている。 ホライズンバイブルカレッジ卒業。

Teacher  Harushi Miura

   Lecture Pastor Kazuhiko Nakaoka

     May 3rd & 4th 11: 30-13: 00  

Men's class (90 minutes)

A class where only men can enjoy harmony

I will also talk about the Bible


Harushi Miura Hallelujah

The first captain of Men Of Excellence, belonging to Harlem JP Choir. Started a series of praises aimed at reviving the national language with Piano Koji. The first is the Kansai dialect uncle mini album. Aiming for the revival of Mikotoba and Uncle in the national languages of all over the country This time, we prepared 4 songs recorded on the CD for that recording. Not only Kansai people but also everyone in other areas would like to enjoy it, and if this is the case, I would like to sing like this in our area, and expect further chemical reactions.


Born in Tokyo. Baptized in Bethlehem Chapel, Oregon while studying in the United States. After completing the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Discipleship Training School in Hawaii, he participated in a short-term mission in Spain. After returning to Japan, attended the Bible Collage of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa at the Hungarian campus. After the end, participated in the mission in Romania. After returning to Japan, after working as a business person in Tokyo, completed the Master of Divinity course at San Francisco Theological Seminary (PCUSA) in California. After that, he and his wife Naomi went to a church in Bangkok, Thailand as a missionary, and after 10 years of work, returned to Japan in 2020. After returning to Japan, he has been serving at churches and NGOs in various parts of western Japan. A Tokyo person who loves food in Osaka.


Praise Dance クラス 


ダンス講師          三栖エリカ



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【三栖エリカ】 12歳よりダンスを始める。ジャズとヒップホップを学び、高校留学先ノルウェーでモダンダンスと出会う。その後、専門学校で様々なジャンルを学ぶ。USJ(ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン)でのダンサー経験を経てアメリカに渡り、現地のヒップホップカンパニー『KR3TS』のショーやその他PV撮影に出演するなどの経験を積む。現在は、NYで6年間プリンシパルを務めた佐藤知子師に師事し、モダンジャズダンスをメインとしながら、ゴスペルアーティストとの共演など、様々な形でダンスを楽しんでいる。2017年には、ゴスペル音楽で踊るダンス教室「ダンスウィズゴスペルOR(オール)」を始め、指導にも力を入れている。

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